About Our Group

Let's get real.

Once y’all age out from the millions of “mommy and me” toddler groups and aren’t ready for the various “empty nest” groups, it’s lonely AF. Besides friends once in a while, no one really wants to talk about struggles with teens. Parenting a teenager can be tough, especially in today's intense world. Between college prep, AP classes, social channels, driving, alcohol/ drug abuse, sports schedules, hormones, SO much homework, being an on-call car service…it’s time to recognize our typically excluded parenting group and arm us all with some suggestions to do our best. This is when the community SHOULD be a MUST. Teens have it tough as do we. As a single mama of three teens, I realized that there weren’t really any inclusive local communities, as there was when I had young kids. Some place to laugh, educate, commiserate, understand, support, and empower your own holistic health with the help of a like minded and uplifting community.

I created a private FB group on a whim because I couldn’t find anything geared to our group. Within 48 hours I had almost 100 requests. Three months later I have over 300 members. Just an underappreciated, and underrecognized group. We’ve got aging parents if we’re still lucky to have them; we have teens with attitudes (yes, just like most of us were as teens – insert finger purse emoji) and schedules that are insane. Even if you have a kid only playing one sport, or five teens that sleep until 2pm, it’s chaotic physically and mentally. My three young adults are amazing, and I still struggle. It is not because anyone is a “bad” teen. It’s just hard to be a teen these days, as opposed to when I was one. I'm here to tell you that you got this. 

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    Facebook Group

    300+ members from 203. Community to support you in empowering your teen while keeping yourself sane

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    Your teenager is struggling with so much. So are you. The demands and challenges that can significantly impact their well-being. 

    Topics covered at MM via local services and individuals (i.e., therapists, coaches, educators, etc.) 

    Join our Facebook group, in-person and virtual events, newsletter, resources & more...

    Topics covered at MM via local companies and individuals:
    (i.e., therapists, coaches, educators, etc.) 

    • Anxiety and depression often arise due to academic stress, social pressures, and uncertainties about the future. 
    • High academic expectations and competitive college admissions have your teen believing the SATs are life or death.
    • Body image concerns and the development of eating disorders may be bubbling up and there’s a constant worry that substance abuse could become a coping mechanism. 
    • Fluctuating self-esteem, academic pressure, bullying, socials and the influence of peer pressure add to the complexity.
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      What makes Middle Meets different?

      Our CT focused membership provides a supportive community, expert guidance, and actionable ideas tailored specifically to parents and educators of teenagers. We help you empower your teens (via yourself) to achieve sustainable well-being, develop essential coping skills, and navigate life's challenges confidently. It is truly inclusive, not a “moms only” group. As a serial entrepreneur, when there’s something lacking that I know is needed, I simply create it. So, welcome. 

      When you join MM you’ll have access to a wealth of valuable resources, expert guidance, and a supportive community that will empower you to confidently help your teen. And did I mention it’s FUN, too? You can enjoy networking and not feel left out if you are a dad or educator (traditionally these groups are very ‘mom’ focused’, which I find EXclusive) 

      Meet G

      As a single mom of 3 teens, Georgette quickly realized there is a lack of support and resources during this challenging stage of parenting. Teens have such incredible pressure these days, with so little support to navigate them! That’s when G created an encouraging, supportive, fun community, MiddleMeets, to offer a central space for parents to share ideas, resources, and discussions related to raising teens.

      She aims to provide education, humor, empathy, and a sense of community, both for parents and for teens themselves. The group has gained significant traction and positive feedback, because others were thrilled to finally have a place to turn to!

      Georgette sees MM as a natural extension of her personalbusinessally.com venture, where she uses her gifts as a connector to help parents feel seen and heard, while also preparing parents of younger children for the teen years. 

      Join our Facebook group, in-person and virtual events, newsletter, resources & more...
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